Friday, April 16, 2010

back roads of oregon

i wanted to pop in and say hello. i miss blogging. i'm thinking about how to evolve this blog or starting a new one. instead of blogging i've been adjusting to a very busy, corporate job and participating in a 365 project. i'm in love with photography.

this filly greeted me today after i spent the morning in tulip fields. it was a good morning.


jana said...

what a great greeting you received; she looks so lovely reflected in you glass.

I'm lucky, I get to see you through 365 :)

I'm with you, still trying to figure out how to maintain my blog and my business didn't change.....well??

hugs and support to you Cinda; I'm certain you will determine a perfect route for your words and images. The blogging world would be happy to have more of both.

Peace and love dear friend. :)

Regina at Fauxology said...

Hello! Glad to see you back -- will keep checking to see the direction you take... (big hug)