Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Old Fireplaces Are New Again - Going Green

Hey Bridget Otto, did you know that this fireplace doesn't need to be ripped out of the house in order to be transformed? It's also a 'green' process to keep this intact and use the existing structure as my armature. It's also a cost savings to the homeowner.

Pardon the dust - but I haven't completed the project yet. I'm transforming what was once a traditional fireplace to a limestone finish. It will be glazed today. Stay tuned for the finale!

I'm embarrassed to post my original before photo. I've been trying to get good at taking before shots, but that day I didn't have my tripod and this room is DARK, and I don't believe in the flash if I can help it. Well, that day I should have used my flash. But hey, the finished photos will make this project look that much better.

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