You may or may not have read that recently I made some decisions about my life and my business. The economy crisis in Portland has hit hard. In April, 2009 unemployment in the Portland-metro area was at 12.1%, and the state of Oregon at 12%. Unfortunately, luxury-based business, such as high-end decorative painting and murals have suffered.
Luckily I have many more talents to fall back on, and I made the decision that Shakti Space Designs will no longer be doing interior, decorative painting. Right now I'm trying to figure out how Shakti will exist in my life. It may be a while before that final decision is made, but right now I'm thinking that I will continue to do painted canvases and commissioned art pieces. Nor have I decided how this blog will continue. Obviously you will no longer see interior home projects created by us. Well dear readers, I'd like to ask your opinion.
What do you like about my blog?
Would you like to see me showcase and highlight other high-end decorative painters and their work?
Would you like to see highlighted interiors with some elements of decorative painting or furnishings?
Would you like to see various types of artists highlighted?
Would you like to see a more personal side of me?
Would you like to see more of my personal photography?
I just don't know yet... but I respect what you have to say and would love your feedback. Please.
For the immediate time being I am focusing on a new venture. I have re-entered the corporate workforce as a Database Marketing Program Manager. I have returned to my old corporate life and I have a fantastic six month contract with a prestigious software company. I just started last week... this is the end of my second week. My brain is fried and adjusting to the pace after six and a half years has challenged me. I am blessed in that I get to work remotely, so I'm not living the cube life. But I am working in solitude most days. I no longer have the freedom to go out and do what I want to do, when I want to do it. It's a whole different kind of self-discipline and time management game.
So, thank you for offering your opinions. Thank you for being loyal and supportive. I have the best support system. I'm so grateful for old and new friends, online and offline, nearby and far.
I would love to see more of your personal projects. You photography has a wonderful quality that should be shared.
A more eclectic, albeit arts oriented, blog might be a good way to keep your hand in as well as to introduce new ideas to your readers.
you have found your authentic voice as an artist with this blog and i would not want to see your very special words fade...
i applaud you for having the courage to discuss this here...it is a tale i am hearing more and more...even artisans who are working, are finding it increasingly more difficult to command their usual price points...the decorative artists i am coaching right now are saying that people who have $$$ to spend expect BIG price cuts right now...
i agree with G that an eclectic, arts oriented angle might just be a good way to go...your photography is amazing...i encourage you to continue to create works of art on canvas or board...using the skills you have acquired as a decorative artist...
one thing i did when i could no longer climb the ladder was use my old sample boards as a background for artwork...some even stood alone as art...i have sold many pieces that began as sample boards...
i am sending good energy to you as i know how difficult it is to transition back into the job force once you have worked for yourself...
hugs, rebecca
I whole heartedly agree with Rebecca! I think you should post your works of art. Your photography is incredible! And I also like the idea of showcasing decorative painters that you know on your blog. You could also do small advice tid-bits about something art-related or a technique or ????
I enjoy reading your blog....you have a great gift for the written word.
I agree w/ G, Rebecca and Michelle, and I'll add my 2 cents that seeing more of your photography, and hearing a bit more about the path back into corporate, the daily learning, the juxtaposition to your other life and the new fresh perspective on it having had another life that went full circle.
Let me be a bit more honest though, I'd be here, even if you were talking PB&J sandwiches and chalk hop scotch drawings :)
I'm happy for you..so happy for all that you will uncover, discover, recover :)
I think you have such an amazing artistic background that even if you are not in it 24/7, it still is something that is part of your DNA. My fave posts of yours were those that showcased your knowledge and your great eye. I think a hybrid of sorts -- arts, photography, personal journey stories and a bit of marketing tidbits for artists would be a nice mix, I think. Your great soul comes across your writing and I think the right direction will make itself known as you write what you feel and what strikes you. Thank you for letting us have a voice as a Reader...I'll be coming back to voraciously eat up your posts and keep commenting! :)
Keep showing your art! I agree with everyone, you should show off your photography skills.
First of all, let me just tell you what an amazing woman you are for running a successful business for so many years! I know it is difficult to transition from running your own company to working for someone else. When I left my company to do the same, it was incredibly challenging because my company was part of my creative outlet in life. As my current job does not have that same aspect to it, I found starting my blog was a wonderful way to reclaim that old creative outlet for myself. Just being able to write out my thoughts, or share projects I am working on...can feel so good.
You are so multi-talented and I would love to see you share more of your talents with us! Not only would I love to continue to see decorative painting, but I would be interesting to view more of your photography, which I feel captures your view on the world around you in so many ways. Also, I don't believe I have seen many of your paintings, but the ones I have been able to view are BEAUTIFUL and I would love to see more of those on here too! And last but not least, you have an incredible knack for design...maybe sharing some inspiration boards as they come to you for interior design, gardening, etc. Because I look to you to inspire me in those areas as it is and I would love to see more of all of this on your blog!
You are an inspiration.
As one who saw you transition from the 'corporate world' to the artistic, I can assure you that they are not mutually exclusive. You will put to practical use the lessons you learned in your own business by applying them for your corporate clients. And you will sharpen your perspective about business as a subculture that can continue to inform your art.
Your talents are not limited to the visual; you are a lifelong learner whose talent grows through your open interactions with, and reactions to, the whole of your life experiences.
you'll knock 'em dead all over!
I couldn't say it better than Rebecca - we all are seeing SOMEONE, often many, that have been affected by this economy - I am glad for you that you were able to secure a job back in the biz world, even if it might not be your first choice of work you'd like. Six months gives you six months - our world is so unpredictable now, what with the powers to be in charge - who knows what will happen and when... but I think we all could agree that EVENTUALLY we will rebound.
Your artistry and talent is a part of you - consider this a sebatical - you will find your way back when the time is right - maybe it will be in a form other than hanging on the wall ...
When you feel the yearning to share yourself again, come back to us - and post - I say post about YOU. How is your job going? What are the challenges? How does it suck? How is it a blessed relief? Where are you getting your art fix from?
Blessings to you.... Patty
Aw I saw your comment on decor8 thank you soo much! It really does mean so much to get feedback (even if it's just one comment like that. I guess we're all a little insecure deep down and it's so nice to get validation that people are enjoying your efforts!).
I have to confess I skipped this post and went straight to the comments because I really to say thank you, but now that I see all these lovely comments I will for sure go back and make sure I read the post too.
Thank you again lady! You made my day!
: )
Hi there,
I don't know if you remember me from Unraveling. I stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year and just saw this post. Wow - so many changes! I hope you have the kind of year you like.
I work in software too and pursue creative activities in my free time, so I wanted to say that I know what you mean by time management.
Best Wishes!!!
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